Report writing is essential for your career, but it can be hard to start. easyReportPRO helps you write professional reports in minutes so you can focus on what is most important - your clients!
Start Your FREE Trial!Get full platform access with a free trial. Explore our dynamic report templates and see how helpful easyReportPRO can be!
After you log in head over to the Accounts page. You will see information for the student and CF Free Program.
Confirm that you are a graduate student* or CF and upload a transcript or letter with a graduation date. It is that easy!
No Catch - Our CFY Program is Completely FREE for up to 1 full year from graduation!
Focus Your Efforts on Critical Thinking and Analysis
Organize and Quickly Access All Template Resources
Create Comprehensive Outlines Allowing You to Create a Report In Minutes
Eliminate Embarrassing Errors of Wrong Names or Pronouns
Access to a Wide Variety of Dynamic Templates used in Reports
Customized Report Outlines to Include Essential Information
Resources in Report Outlines are Automatically Maintained and Updated
Unlimited Access, Downloads and Report Generation